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 Profile for Dania Gonzalez (LMT) Lic #MA46666

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Dania Gonzalez (LMT) Lic #MA46666

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Location: Kissimmee,Saint Cloud,Orlando.192 n TURNPIKE. Just 2 exits after Florida Mall when driving south on the turnpike. Now the 417 connect with the turnpike,very easy if you are on the east side of Orlando.Attractions,Lake Buena Vista, Convention center area

View map 1633 E Vine St, Kissimmee, FL 34744, USA
Incalls only.

Style(s): Swedish,Deep Tissue,Hot Stone,Prenatal,

Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturdays 10:30 a.m- 2:30 p.m.

Fees: $60.00 1/2 HR, $80.00 /1 HR, $120.00 1 1/2 HR

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Description: Specials every week: $5.00 Off of 1hr every Monday,$10.00 Off for new clients every day Call for more info

Get one full hour of Swedish Deep Tissue, or Hot Stones, eliminate back pain,muscle tension in the neck and shoulders, get rid of anxiety and have a better deeper sleep,and you will end with more energy during the day to manage the high stress.
Enjoy a relaxing, healing massage that soothes the soul and promotes a state of well-being. Warm table ,candles n at aromatherapy available. Add on:head, hands n foot massage for 10 more when added to a one session. Specials every week. Call now for more info
In call only.
Calls with be returned asap. If I am busy n can't answer your call ,please leave a message
Blocked calls will not be answer. Sorry Not couples massage at this time

Se habla espaņol


Please be aware, your behavior is expected to be professional, with good morals and ethics. Thanks
Lic # MA46666

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