E-mail: (awaiting verification)
Location: Cave Creek Rd and Cactus
Phoenix, AZ 85022, USA
Incalls only.
Style(s): Swedish can be light medium or firm. Neuromuscular, Modesty,Sports, Master Reiki Practitioner, Reflexology, and Aromatherapy.
Hours: By appointment only
Fees: $60.00 Energy Bodywork 1/2 hour
$90.00 Energy Bodywork 60 Minutes
Description: Open Your Heart,
Relax Your Mind,
Awaken Your Spirit,
Just, Let Go....
I am a professional certified body worker combined with passive stretching Reiki energy worker combined with Reflexology and gentle but effective massage/ My style of touch is nurturing and soothing.My sessions are , healing and relaxing, because besides of having received extensive training and workshops in various techniques, like
Shiatsu, pressure points technique, Reflexology (which is hand as well as sole and foot massage) and Swedish. Being a Reiki Master has made me become an Intuitive healer and a Body worker...
At your request I can give you a combination of all techniques mentioned above, which could be defined as my own style.
I cater to men, women, and couples. Please be respectful. Each session is a blend of Swedish, Deep Tissue, Intuitive Reiki Energy Healing using lotion or oil creating an unforgettable experience. I have a love and passion for bodywork and energy healing that comes through in my touch.
Unique technique of healing is a blend of breath work, intuition, and specific hand techniques gently placed on your body to connect you into a deeper state of relaxation. The intelligence of the energy guides to lay hands; energetic vibrations can be felt as your spirit is awakened. Healing your body; while synching soul, body and mind together in harmony. During your mystifying journey as toxins are slowly released, discover hidden treasures within. Liberate yourself, release your emotions. Infused with flowing energy the mind becomes clear, free to be creative.
If requested I can incorporate some Swedish palpations into my Reiki treatments. You can expect to be transported into a dream like state and wake up rejuvenated from having blockages removed. It's customary to allow the patient to relax and receive the energy free of talking, but occasionally people enjoy conversation.
An integrated approach to bodywork addressing body, mind, and spirit is the most effective way to facilitate true healing. Healing, as I define it, is a return to wholeness and to the highest and clearest expression of who we can become. Our natural state is one of perfect health, ease and peace. Tension, imbalance, stress and illness in the body often have psycho-spiritual as well as physical origins.
Reduces stress
Encourages better nutrition, exercise, and health practices
Reduces pain, both physical and emotional
Increases productivity
Promotes a sense of confidence and control
Promotes deep relaxation
Promotes feelings of being healthier, more relaxed, invigorated, energetic, peaceful and even more youthful
Helps rebuild a more positive self-image and sense of self-worth
I look forward to meeting you!
DONT WAIT ANY LONGER. Clients who schedule with 24 hour advance notice are given preference.