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 Profile for Christine

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Deep Tissue~Sports Massage~Neuromuscular therapy~Swedish~Foot Reflexology~rejuvenating facial massage 

E-mail: (awaiting verification)

Location: New York City

View map New York, NY 10065, USA
Outcalls only. Available within the provider's 100 mile range.

Style(s): Deep Tissue, Swedish, Neuromuscular Therapy, Trigger Point, Foot Reflexology, Sports massage, facial massage

Hours: monday-sunday 8:30 am - 8pm. These hours are flexible.

Fees: $150 an hour, 60 minute minimum, 30 minute increments after the 1st 60 mins.

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Description: I specialize in deep tissue and neuromuscular therapy. But I also offer swedish, reflexology, pregnancy, and rejuvenating facial massage.

I'm Licensed and Nationally Certified. I'm an Atlanta School of Massage graduate.

I've been practicing massage for 11 years. I went to one of the top massage schools in the country. I love what I do and I think it comes through in the massages that I give. I care very much that each and every client get the best massage possible every time.

First time clients please call to make an appt, rather than texting or e-mailing. E-MAIL IS NOT THE BEST WAY TO CONTACT ME, SOMETIMES I DON'T CHECK E-MAILS FOR WEEKS. SORRY. TEXT ME! I don't book apts through e-mail with first time clients. thank you.

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