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 Profile for Ashiatsu by Carol Niemi LMT Deep Tissue Barefoot Massage Therapy

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Heart-Centered Massage Therapy in the Medical Center, Houston, TX MT034062 
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Ashiatsu by Carol Niemi LMT Deep Tissue Barefoot Massage Therapy


Location: Houston Medical Center/Astrodome

View map Houston, TX 77054, USA
Incalls only.

Style(s): Specializing in Ashiatsu DeepFeet Therapy, the deepest, most luxurious massage on the planet. Also specializing in Sacred Lomi, therapeutic Swedish/acupressure, geriatric massage and safe massage for cancer patients and survivors.

Hours: Monday - Friday: 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: noon - 3:30 p.m. By appointment only.

Fees: $75 per hour or $110 per 90 minutes, Swedish/acupressure,
$85 per hour or $125 per 90 minutes, ashiatsu
$75 per hour, oncology massage
$145 per 90 minutes Sacred Lomi

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Therapeutic massage for relaxation, healing and health maintenance with a spiritual orientation, bringing reiki energy into each session. Specialties include the deep tissue technique of Ashiatsu DeepFeet Therapy "walking on the back," and Sacred Lomi (Hawaiian Temple Bodywork). Also Swedish/acupressure and oncology massage. Aromatherapy with natural essential oils is available. Please see website for more information.

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