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 Profile for Kim Hough

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Relaxed Living Customized Blissful Massage 
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Kim Hough


Location: Serving Broward and Palm Beach Counties

View map Delray Beach, Florida (US)
Outcalls only. Available within the provider's 25 mile range.

Style(s): Certified in Thai Massage, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi, Hot Stones, Therapeutic Medical Massage, Reiki Master

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Description: Why get in your car and drive and deal with all that stress! Our in-home massage therapist comes to your location in Delray Beach or the surrounding area to administer a customized bodywork session. Massage helps our bodies activate their own restorative powers, creating a wonderful way to engage fully in our own healing.
Massage is more than just a way to feel good. In fact, massage therapy is a recognized form of integrative medicine, especially for treating chronic pain. Some of the most commonly experienced benefits of massage therapy include:

Reduced stress
Reduced pain and chronic pain
Relief from muscle soreness
Relieved tension
Improved mood
Improved Sleep

We can incorporate a variety of styles and modalities in your therapeutic massage including hot stones, Thai Massage, Neuromuscular, Reiki energy healing, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi, etc.. At the heart of the in home session is a desire to empower each individual to regain a sense of harmony, reverence, and balance and to awaken inner resources for healing.

National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork - 440185-00
Florida Massage License - MA44542

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