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 Profile for Libby Barocio #7501007678

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Libby Barocio #7501007678

E-mail: (not published)

Location: Rochester rd.

View map Rochester/Rochester Hills, Michigan (US)
Incalls only.

Style(s): Swedish,Deep tissue,Lomi Lomi,Reflexology, Reiki, Chakra Balancing , Light touch healing, Esalen,Energy flow

Hours: 8:00am to 8:00pm 7 day's

Fees: One hour $90
Hour and half $130
Same day appointments

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Description: Hello,
Thank you for visiting!
Come enjoy the art of massage with me.
With 13 year's of experience my touch is genuine, with a caring graceful flow.
I believe Massage Therapy is a NECESSITY and will improve your health and wellness!
Here are only a few of the beautiful benefits you'll receive
*Muscle & joint pain relief
*Reduced stress
*Increases circulation
*Boost immune function
*Relieves depression
Find the balance you need to rest your mind,ease anxiety, pain and stress.
Let go and escape into a place of peace, serenity and stillness.
I foster the relationships I have with my clients and strive for a warm and inviting experience every time.. All newcomers are welcome to massage, I believe your first time will never be your last.
I work from my own private office with lush linens,dreamy lighting and aromatic scents.
As AlwAys, What's meant to be will always find a way...

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