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 Profile for Chinese Medical Massage by Gina Yang

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My passion is free everyone from pain, medication, and medical cost. 
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Chinese Medical Massage by Gina Yang

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Location: Miami

View map 14115 S Dixie Hwy, Miami, FL 33176, USA
Incalls: Available; Outcalls: Available within the provider's 5 mile range.

Style(s): Swedish massage, Deep Tissue massage, Chinese medical massage, Sports massage, Pregnancy massage, Hot Stone massage,

Hours: Monday-Saturday: 9 a.m.-7 p.m.

Fees: $70 for One hour session, $40 for half hour session, $90 for hour and half session.
Hot stone massage $85 for one hour session. $80 for one hour out call.

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Description: I am a massage therapist, spiritual healer, and lecturer. I have a master degree of Chinese medicine and bachelor degree of health science.I studied sports medicine in China and worked for some Chinese national sport teams when I was living in China. My practice focuses on alternative health care. Most of my massage session is a combination of massage and therapies from Chinese medicine. If you have any health concern, even you have tried everything or was told there is no cure, Please come to discover the power of Chinese healing art. I promise you shall find peace and solution. I am looking forward to serve you in the near future.

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