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 Profile for Galpatio

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Tranquil Touch Massage Therapy 
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Location: Los Angeles

View map Los Angeles, CA 90028, USA
Incalls: Available; Outcalls: Available within the provider's 30 mile range.

Style(s): Sweedish and Deep Tissue Massage

Hours: 9 a.m.- 11 p.m.

Fees: $70/hour

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Description: My name is George, and I'm your professional massage therapist.

If you have not noticed, life is stressful. The city is full of financial stress, toxins, angry people, challenging jobs and the list goes on. Stress is also debilitating. Stress can cause headaches, neck pain, muscle soreness, auto-immune diseases, acne, bad moods, and unhappiness.

Here's the good news. Massage can help release your stress, and help your body heal much quicker.

That's what I can do. I "destressify" your body with the massage of a Tranquil Touch and aroma therapy for every appointment. Please treat yourself to a relaxing massage. Whether it be a Swedish massage or firm deep tissue massage.

Your safety and relaxation are my top priority. Please ask for reference. And I'm happy to be your massage therapist and for you to feel the best that you can.

Specializing in Swedish massage.
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.

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