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 Profile for Christine Ciofalo

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Massage By Christine: Independent and Experienced Licensed Massage Therapist in Belmar, NJ 
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Christine Ciofalo


Location: Belmar, NJ

View map Belmar, NJ, USA
Incalls only.

Style(s): Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Reflexology, and Hot Stone

Hours: Please inquire directly for appointment hours...

Fees: Please inquire directly for fees...

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The Benefits of my Massage include the following: deeper circulation, enhanced muscle tone, strengthened immune system, relieved muscle tension, increased flexibility, improved recovery time from sickness or injuries, reduced blood pressure results, etc.

My massages include the following modalities:

Swedish Massage: It is a stress reduction massage. The goal is to calm the central nervous system while promoting blood circulation and release of metabolic waste. This is a traditional relaxation massage.

Deep Tissue Massage: This is a technique that focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. It aims to release the chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes and deep finger pressure on the contracted areas.

Therapeutic Massage: Therapeutic Massage can be important support for fitness or sports program. Massage therapy helps achieve your fitness or performance goals with minimum injury risk. It supports your program by relieving tired and sore muscles, improving flexibility, and speedy recovery from strenuous physical exertion.

Hot Stone Massage: Hot stone massage melts away tension, eases muscle stiffness and increases circulation and metabolism. Hot stone massage is a specialty massage where the therapist uses smooth, heated stones as an extension of their own hands by placing them on the body.

Reflexology: Reflexology focuses on hands and feet. It involves applying pressure to certain points on the foot or hand that correspond to organs and systems in the body.

I have a location in Belmar, NJ for incall appointments. Please contact me directly at my Cell Phone Number or at my e-mail address.

For more information, you can also visit my website at

My New Jersey State Massage Therapy License Number is 18KT01153400.

Thank You and I look forward to making a future appointment with you...

Christine Ciofalo

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