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 Profile for Jonathan De Castro

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Sport Massage 
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Jonathan De Castro


Location: Coral Gables

View map Miami/Coconut Grove, Florida (US)
Incalls: Available; Outcalls: Available within the provider's 20 mile range.

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Description: I began my career as a massage therapist, developing a passion for hands-on healing. To enhance my skills, I became a licensed physical therapist, providing comprehensive rehabilitation care. My journey continued with a doctorate in Oriental Medicine and a master's in herbal medicine, allowing me to integrate Eastern and Western healthcare approaches. Today, I offer a unique blend of therapies, dedicated to helping my clients achieve optimal health and well-being. License #60354.

I am trained in many techniques, but my favorites are:

Sport/Deep Tissue Massage: These are very similar, but sport massage can focus on specific areas to enhance athletic performance.

Lymphatic Massage: My favorite, especially for post-operative care following liposuction, tummy tucks, orthopedic surgeries, and for managing lymphedema after mastectomy, among other issues.

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