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Provider Review for Angela Blevins License 1208

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9/10 published

Latest: 06/27/2016

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Angela Blevins License 1208


Location:,-94.2 293368,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x87c91cb1e19c5ffb:0x4da361c864223c 3f!8m2!3d36.4593376!4d-94.2271481?hl=en

View map Bella Vista, AR 72714, USA
Incalls only.

Style(s): Reiki Healer, Aroma therapist, Core Bodywork, Hot Stone, Lomi Lomi, Relaxation, Pregnancy Massage For The Child Bearing Year, Tragger, Somatic Release, Crystal Healing, Isolated Stretching

Hours: All sessions By Appointment Only

Fees: 100.00 1.o hr
150.00 1.5 hr
200.00 2.0 hr

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Description: Soothing Quiet Atmosphere my MASSAGE ~Thoroughly Energetic DEEP NURTURING Restorative complaints Melt Away conditions Improve You are very Very RELAXED and PEACEFUL Invigorated RENEWED Balanced...
I am experienced massage therapist for many years Love to share Awesomeness of touch Believe In Magic the curative potential & positive transference by being open qi circulating~The Life Force & you BREATHE energy. Treatments for ladies and gentlemen, wee ones & their mama's, athletes, corporates blue collars Please Make Time For You ~ Receive, No reason to wait any longer Life should have Beautiful touch experienced often for Peacefulness and Healthful Benefits~Longevity. It is for your Body Mind & Soul.
License 1208

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About this Review
Submitted: Mon Jan 25 6:36:04 PST 2016 Stamped: Thu Aug 16 8:10:07 PDT 2018
Reviewer's Comments
My most recent client appointment with this provider (Angela Blevins License 1208) was in December 2015.
My overall rating of this provider: Highly Recommended
Would I use this provider again? Yes
The following are my expanded comments regarding my experience with this provider:
First, let me say, it was in January of this year, it just won't let me select 2016. I contacted Angela, left a voice mail, and she got back to me that day. She was very respectful and sweet from the start and it even felt personal just from scheduling the appointment. We scheduled a 2 hr session the next morning. Once I had arrived at the place, we sat down to get to know each other, which is a first for me, other times I have received a massage, it was a get in get out situation. The place had a slight citrus smell, which was pleasant and relaxing. After we got to know one another, she took me to the room with the table, explained the rules, the do's and don't's. She left so I could disprove down to my comfort level, whatever you feel comfortable, she told me. She came back with some soothing music and proceeded with some light touches around the neck and face. Just from that, I knew this would be one of the best, if not the best massages I will ever receive,and indeed it was. Then came the oil on my back and she just went with the flow of the music and never went too hard, which I like. There were a few times we conversed, but for the most part it was silent with the music, which was nice and soothing to me. It allowed me to just close my eyes and be completely serene and relaxed. I could describe this to the most excruciatingly specific detail, but that wouldn't matter as each session is tailored to the one receiving the massage. This was my experience and it won't be like the one you have. I highly recommend a massage from her, as it is so well built around making you feel amazing, that I don't want you to think my experience is the only experience. I am sold on how good she is and have now made her my primary person to call for a massage. 
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I, the reviewed Provider, affirm that this is a review of my services from an actual client.  When read in combination with my own additional remarks, if any below, I publish this review without any intent to mislead or deceive.
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Thank you for the kindness of this review. 

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