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Provider Review for Maritza Cook

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Swedish Massage by Maritza Cook 
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Latest: 10/17/2010

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Maritza Cook


Location: Hesperia, CA 92345

View map Hesperia, CA, USA
Incalls only.

Style(s): Swedish Massage

Hours: For especial clients I work different times depends on my time and theirs.

Fees: $60.00 per hour
$90.00 per 90 minutes

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My Other Website:

Description: 2-25-16 I do a Swedish Massage very relaxing. I start with you facing down and I start massaging your feet and toes, follow by legs, thighs, buttocks, back, neck, and then I ask you to turn over and do the same feet, legs, thighs, abdomen, chest, neck, and face. You will be covered by a sheet or a towel.

I work every day from 9 AM to 9 PM
Relax your Mind, Body and Spirit!
Massage Therapist specializing in Swedish Massage.
Massage benefits are countless: With Maritza Cook
• Improves circulation of the blood throughout the body, thus improving the supply of oxygen & nutrients to all cells
• Increases blood supply to the nerves & brain
• Helps increase lymph circulation, aids in the elimination of metabolic wastes & stimulates the immune system
• Stimulates and tones muscles
• Increases the supply of blood to the skin

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About this Review
Submitted: Sat Oct 16 20:40:41 PDT 2010 Stamped: Sun Oct 17 4:51:05 PDT 2010
Reviewer's Comments
My most recent client appointment with this provider (Maritza Cook) was in July 2010.
My overall rating of this provider: Highly Recommended
Would I use this provider again? Yes
The following are my expanded comments regarding my experience with this provider:
Even though I haven't had time to return to Maritza, I'm planning on doing it real soon. I've had the pleasure of feeling her healing touch many times since 2009. She is so caring when doing her work. Maritza is attentive to your every need. She just knows a person's body that well. She is truly talented and very professional. If I were a rich man I would be there at least once a week. :)
I highly recommend Maritza if you want to feel relaxed and pampered.

Thank you,
About the Reviewer
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Provider's Additional Remarks
I, the reviewed Provider, affirm that this is a review of my services from an actual client.  When read in combination with my own additional remarks, if any below, I publish this review without any intent to mislead or deceive.
My additional remarks:

It was my treat to have you as my client. You always have a nice attitude and a nice smile when you come. Thank you for your wonderful review! Until next time!

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