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Frequently Asked Questions

For questions not answered by this FAQ, you can contact us.


  • Is it FREE?

    We welcome you to search for a provider and even to post your own ad at no charge.  There are also advanced advertising benefits available as an option for a modest subscription cost which may significantly increase ad exposure potential and provide premier positioning and rank in searches.  See the answer below for details.
  • How do I find a provider near me?

    Click the "home / search" menu link at the top of any page.  Enter your ZIP code or location in the search menu and adjust the number of miles/kms you're willing to travel.  Then click the "Search" button.  Additional options are available.
  • Are there provider reviews and how can I post a review of my own?

    First, find the provider's ad.  Then, if the provider is a participant in the review system (it's voluntary), you may click on either the "MY REVIEWS" or "POST REVIEW" button.  If neither button exists when you view the provider's ad, the provider is not currently a participant in the review system.
  • How do I update my ad?

    First, click the "LOGIN" menu link on the upper-right corner of your screen.  Once you are logged in, you can click on either the "EDIT AD" or "UPLOAD PHOTOS" link to change/update your information.
  • Do you permit sexually-oriented ads?

    Ads intended to solicit or incite illegal or inappropriate sexual activity violate the Terms of Service.
  • Where's my ad?

    If you just recently submitted a new photo to your album, your ad might temporarily not appear in photos-only search results until your new photo has been processed.  Please be patient.  Also, if you are not a paid subscriber, please read the answer to the next question.  Also, please make sure you have included in your ad your government-issued professional license number and your name (first and last) exactly as it appears on your professional license, otherwise your ad may be suspended or terminated without refund.
  • What are the benefits of a paid subscription over a basic free account?

    The quick summary is that a paid subscription can, for a very modest cost, (1) potentially increase your ad's everyday exposure by up to 300% (or more) over a basic free ad; (2) give your ad premier positioning and rank in search results, as well as preference on the homepage for qualified ads; and thus may (3) make it easier for people to find you among the crowd.  Now, if you work in a relatively small, unpopulated market area, our free basic account may be sufficient and you may not need or benefit from a subscription.  But if you work in a populated market area where your ad is not easily and consistently found with every search over time (try it yourself and see!), we recommend you consider a subscription.  For without a subscription, the distribution of your basic free ad may be substantially limited, distributed only in response to more limited searches or in small market areas and/or only to some class(es) of users and/or intermittently without assurance.
  • Will my membership subscription automatically renew?

    If you choose to subscribe, you may subscribe either with automatic renewal or the option for a one-time non-recurring payment.  If you choose to subscribe by one-time payment, we will NOT charge you recurrently and your subscription will not be renewed automatically.  Instead, you may renew or extend your membership subscription at any time, whenever it is convenient for you to do so.  If you have subscribed, detailed information about your subscription expiration and renewal are available, after you login, on your My Account page.
  • How do I cancel automatic renewal / future billings?

    To cancel recurring / future billing, return to your My Account page (after logging in), then click the "Cancel Future Billing(s)" button and complete the cancellation process as indicated.  You may cancel recurring / future billing at any time, other than on the date(s) when such billing is being processed for your account.  For security and practical reasons, CANCELLATION REQUESTS BY E-MAIL, TELEPHONE, "CONTACT US", ETC. ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE.  If you cancel, your subscription will not be further renewed after your then-current subscription period expires, unless you subsequently choose to further subscribe.  For the remainder of your paid-up subscription period, you'll continue to have access to subscription benefits, your ad may continue to be published by you, and you will not receive a refund.  All subscriptions and cancellations are based on the United States Pacific time zone.

    In case you've never seen it, the button we're talking about looks like this: Cancel Button and it's shown on your My Account page only when/if you currently have a subscription with one or more automatic (future) renewals remaining.  Otherwise, you won't see that button on your My Account page.  After you successfully cancel, your My Account page will be updated and that button will no longer appear on your My Account page.  That means if you still see the cancel button on your My Account page after you thought you cancelled, the reality is that you haven't cancelled, either because you didn't click the "Cancel Future Billing(s)" or you failed to "complete the cancellation process as indicated", perhaps because you didn't follow the simple instructions that appeared after you clicked the button.

    When you've successfully completed this simple do-it-yourself cancellation procedure, your recurring billings stop immediately, meaning you won't be billed in the future for any additional renewals after your then-current subscription period expires (unless you later decide to renew/resubscribe).  It's not a "change history" button and you can't cancel billings that have already happened and you won't receive a refund for them either.  Instead, if you cancel future billings after you've already been billed for an automatic renewal, your subscription will have already been automatically extended for another term, and you're welcome to enjoy the remainder of your extended subscription (because you've paid for it) until it expires.  Again, you won't be billed for any additional renewals thereafter (after your then-current subscription period expires) unless you later decide to renew/resubscribe.
  • What is "Easy Renewal"?

    If you've recently subscribed but your subscription has or will expire, we may allow you to renew your subscription easily, without you having to re-enter all your credit card information, by presenting you with a special renewal button on your My Account page that looks like this: Easy Renewal Button.  If you press this "Easy Renewal" button on your My Account page, you authorize your subscription to be extended (and reactivated if it's expired) by automatic recurring billings, to be billed in the same dollar amount and to the same credit card you used for your previous subscription payment, until you cancel.  And, of course, the "Cancel Future Billing(s)" button will also then appear so you can cancel your recurring / future billings, if you wish to do so.
  • My paid subscription expired, but I'm still able to login.  Why?

    If your paid subscription expires, you lose your subscription-only benefits, but we may afford you a grace period during which you may still login and renew your subscription, and your ad/profile may continue to be published by you, at your discretion.  However, if you forget to renew before the end of the grace period, your account may be terminated and removed from the system.
  • Can I have more than one profile/ad?

    No, do not create multiple accounts or post multiple ads.  If you operate out of two locations (e.g. you have both a weekday location and a weekend location), the same profile/ad can cover both locations.
  • How can I change my member name or password?

    To change your member name or password, click the "My Account" link at the top of any page after you login.  Then follow the instruction, found immediately below the large title, that says: "To change your account password and/or your member name, click here".  Please note, if you change your member name, any existing bookmarks to your profile will then no longer point to your profile, and your old member name may become available to anyone else who would like to use it.
  • How can I remove my ad?

    If you're going on vacation or taking a break, you can temporarily update your ad's Visibility option through the "EDIT AD" tab (after you login).  Otherwise, you may wish to resign your membership (you must be logged in first).

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